Friday, February 22, 2008

Do you think there are more shoppers going to the US now?

Up here in Canada the loony has really been going up lately and I was wondering if anyone thought that that would mean more shoppers are going to be going down to america to do more shopping.

I found some interesting articles on the net regarding this, but it was more about Cross Border Shoppers going online!

The article I found on Virtual shoppers.

I definately love to shop online, I even shop for holiday properties and other real estate. I love shopping online because it is so easy to do and you never have to leave your home.

You just wait and Canada Post delivers it straight to your house. It's awesome!

But could you imagine buying a house or car and having it delivered, probably way to much for the mail man to manage!

They would probably need an entire postal army to carry something like a house to someone.

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